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  Abstract & Paper
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Abstract & Paper

The symposium accepts the submission of both abstract only and abstract with full text. Best Paper Reward and recommended journal publication (to J Visual., Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. and Sci. China E,et al.) only considers fulltext papers, and should be applied during registration.


To see the template of the abstract and fulltext of Word or LaTex, click on the link below and download.







Registration & Online Submission

Abstracts and fulltext papers should be submitted through the symposium web site. For guidelines see: http://asv14.huiyiguanjia.com/Web/Login/Register  

Full Paper Submission

The modules of Full Paper Submission & Payment for Attendees is now on-line. Please log in ASV14online registration system(http://asv14.huiyiguanjia.com/Web/Login/Index) with your own account to submit your full-length paper and pay the registration fee. There are several issues to be noted:


  Full-length paper is not compulsory, but Best Paper Award & Recommended Journal Publication only consider full-length paper. The deadline for Camera-ready manuscript submission (includes both abstract and full-length paper) is Apr 15th, 2017.


  It is strongly recommended to submit the full-length paper through ASV14 online registration system. However, for those authors who have submitted the abstract off-line due to either technique problemor later submission, their full-length papers should be still submitted off-line to ASV14@buaa.edu.cn.


  One account on ASV14 onlinere gistration system can only submit one abstract/full-length paper online, additional papers by the same author should be submitted off-line to ASV14@buaa.edu.cn.


 Since the Abstract Submission module of ASV14 online registration system has been closed, for those authors who would like to update their abstracts, please send them to ASV14@buaa.edu.cn.








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