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2018 Control of Turbulent Friction Drag Workshop & Summer School

Time: 01/08- 07/08, 2018  

Venue: Room 708, 7th Floor, Block C, New Main Building, Beihang University


A workshop on the control of turbulent friction drag will be held at Beihang University from 01/08/2018 to 02/08/2018 followed by a 5-day summer school (from 03/08 to 07/08) for PhD students. Various numerical and experimental techniques on drag reduction will be presented. The keynote speakers include Prof. FazleHussain, Prof. Guowei He, Prof. Haecheon Choiand, Prof. Paulo Luchini.


This event is a deliverable of an EU Marie-Curie project lead by Dr. Xuerui Mao at the University of Nottingham. The partners include ONERA, Oxford University, KTH, Johns Hopkins University, Beihang University, Xian Jiaotong University and Zhejiang University.


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