孙茂,“长江学者”特聘教授,流体力学二级学科责任教授。1955 年生。1978 年毕业于北京航空学院空气动力学专业,同年考上研究生;1981 ,83 年分别获美国普林斯顿大学航空工程系硕士和博士学位;1983 -1985 年在美国马里兰大学做博士后工作。现任北京航空航天大学流体力学教育部重点实验室主任;兼任亚洲流体力学学会委员,中国力学学会特邀理事,中国力学学会流体力学专业委员会副主任。分别在 89 和 93 年被聘为教授 和 博士生导师。93 年享受政府特殊津贴,97 年被航空部授予有突出贡献专家称号。曾获霍英东基金,国家教委跨世纪人才基金,国家杰出青年科学基金,国家自然科学基金重点项目等高水平项目。
Mao Sun is professor and director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA). He graduated from BUAA in 1978, received his M.A. in 1981 and his Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering in 1983 from Princeton University , and did post-doctorate research in University of Maryland from 1983 to 1985. His research areas include biomechanics of insect flight and helicopter aerodynamics. He has published over 40 papers on these areas. He is a fellow of the Chinese Society of Mechanics and serves as members in the editorial boards of Acta Mechanica Sinica and Chinese Journal of Aeronautics.
仿生流体力学 --- 研究动物飞行的流体力学机理,为微型飞行器提供气动布局和控制方式的新概念。内容涉及:典型飞行状态下昆虫作拍动运动时的气动力和流动特性,昆虫飞行的稳定性,控制和增稳方式;机动飞行的高升力机理及控制原理;微型飞行器气动布局和飞行控制的新概念。
Sun M , Tang J., Unsteady aerodynamic force generation by a model fruit fly wing in flapping motion. J. Exp. Bio l ., 205, 2002, 55-70
Sun M, Tang J., Lift and power requirements of hovering flight in Drosophila virilis . J. Exp. Biol ., 205 , 2002, 2413-2427
Sun M. , Wu J. H., Lift generation and power requirements of a fruit fly in forward flight with modeled wing motion. J. Exp. Biol ., 206 , 2003, 3065-3083
Wu JH, Sun M. Unsteady aerodynamic forces of a flapping wing. J. Exp. Biol . , 207: 2004, 1137-1150
Sun M ., Lan S. L. A computational study of the aerodynamic forces and power requirements of dragonfly Aeschna juncea hovering, J. Exp. Biol ., 207, 2004: 1887-1901
Sun M. , Xiong Y. Dynamic flight stability of a hovering bumble bee, J. Exp. Biol. , 208, 2005: 447-459
Wang JK, Sun M . A computational study of the aerodynamic forces of a dragonfly in forward flight, J. Exp. Biol ., 208, 2005:
Sun M ., High-lift generation and power requirements of insect flight, FDR ., 37, 2005: 21-39