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2015年09月26日 15:36      浏览:






[1] Chun-Hian Lee and Laiwen Chen,“Reactive Probability of Atomic Oxygen with Material Surfaces in Low Earth Orbit”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2000, Vol. 37, No.2, 252 ~ 256.

[2] Laiwen Chen and Chun-Hian Lee,“The Effective Attractive Potential between Identical Dielectric Molecules via Lifshitz Theory”, Science in China A, 2001, Vol. 44, No.1, 89 ~ 97.

[3] Laiwen Chen and Chun-Hian Lee,“The effective attractive Potential in the non-retarded regime for molecules of Dielectric materials via Lifshitz theory”, Molecular Physics, 2001, Vol. 99, No.16,1381~1389.

[4] Laiwen Chen and Chun-Hian Lee,“Interaction potential between atomic-oxygen and polymer surface in low Earth orbit”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,2006, Vol.43, No.3, 486~495.

[5] Laiwen Chen and Chun-Hian Lee, "On relationship between surface effective mass and incident angle of oncoming particle in hyperthermal gas–surface scattering", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2008, Vol.266, 54~56

[6] Chen Laiwen, Wang Jinghua, and Lee Chun-Hian,“A reaction-diffusion model for atomic oxygen interacting with spacecraft surface protective materials in low Earth orbit environment”, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2009, Vol.52, No.4, 1125-1134.

电子信箱: Lwchen@buaa.edu.cn




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