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  Registration Fee & Payment
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Registration Fee

√ For oversea attendees:

Early registration(before Mar 31, 2017): 550USD (full), 300USD (student discount)

Regular registration (after Mar 31,2017): 650USD (full), 350USD (student discount)

For domestic attendees:

Early registration (before Mar 31,2017): 3500CNY(full), 2000CNY (student discount)

Regular registration (after Mar 31,2017): 4000CNY(full), 2500CNY (student discount)


Payment Method

There are three ways to pay the Registration Fee: online payment via PayPal (for oversea attendees), bank transfer (for domestic attendees) and on-site payment (for both oversea and domestic attendees). The related issues are as follows:

√  The module of Payment for Attendees of ASV14 online registration system is used for all the authors to claim their attendance of this conference. Therefore, no matter what kind of payment, all the attendees should finish the registration procedure in the Payment for Attendeesmodule before May 14th, 2017.

√  The Paymentfor Attendees module will be closed after May 14th,2017. Those abstracts/full-length papers without payment claim will be regarded as no attendance and thus be with drawn from the conference schedule.

√  In the payment procedure, for the purpose of attendance track, please correctly specify author name, contact email, title of the abstract/paper and lecturer who would present it. Multiple papers can be claimed and registered by oneaccount.

√  For those authors who have submitted the abstract off-line, they are also required to register an account on ASV14 online registration system to facilitate the registration fee payment. Account registration problem please contact with wangjiangsheng@buaa.edu.cnfor technique support.

√  Online payment via PayPal (with VISA support) is only for oversea attendees. For domestic attendees, bank transfer is recommended. The information of bank transfer will be found in the online Payment for Attendees module.

√  On-site payment with cash (only RMB) or VISA credit card (either USD or RMB) is available during the whole conference duration. The receipt of the registration fee will be handed out to the required attendees in the last conference day.

√  Early-birdre gistration deadline is postponed to Mar 31th,2017.

√  Registration fee includes technique tour and one set of meal tickets, additional ticket for reception and banquet can be purchased both online and on-site.

√  Any problem related with registration and submission, please contact with wangjiangsheng@buaa.edu.cn for technique support.


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