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Plenary Talk

Noel T. Clemens               more details

Department  of Aerospace Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin,  USA

Topic:Novel planar laser-induced fluorescence techniques for visualizing supersonic turbulent flows

Deog Hee Doh                 more details

Division of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University,  Korea

Topic: Diagnoses on Flows and Solid Bodies with 3D Image Measurements and Laser Techniques

Koji Koyamada              more details

Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

Topic: Visual Causality Exploration for Scientific Discovery

Ellen K. Longmire           more details

Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics,  University of Minnesota, USA

Topic:Organization and Evolution of Coherent Structures in Turbulent Boundary Layers

Patrick Tabeling               more details

Institut  Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Research University Paris, France

Topic: Microfluidic Actuators Based on Temperature-Responsive Hydrogels

Yu Zhou                               more details

Harbin  Institute of Technology, China

Topic: Visualized Turbulent Jet under the Manipulation of Unsteady Minijets


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